Target, otherwise known especially for their backpacks for school and free time, also offers travel bags, single strap shoulder bags, pencil cases, bags for gym slippers and sportswear, wallets, and other similar and attractive items. All these are the results of a long-term development, thus offering an extreme use value which is, in addition to innovation and attractive design, also an important part of our offer.
Durability and cosiness are qualities which are intertwined in our products, as we use only the best materials to produce them. We only trust selected and verified producers with production, as we are aware of the fact that buyer seek quality which is nowadays even more appreciated than it used to be. With high-quality materials we can make a product that is above-average, which we guarantee with a 2-year warranty. We have also dared to go even further, as we are offering as much as a 10-year warranty on our VIPER products.
At the beginning of the brand Target we have committed ourselves to constantly improve our products. For many years we have been working hard and developing backpacks in which we invested knowledge, experience and research. In 2012 we received the RED DOT award for the backpack Target VIPER XT-01. A year later, the RED DOT prize for the backpack Target SATURN, in 2014 for the backpack Target SATURN BCC-02 and in 2016 the RED DOT award for Target School Backpack REFLEX.